fuite de points

“vanishing points vanishing”

fuite de points puts us inside the network flux, like in a dark tunnel : an underground to be explored with a torch. The visitor makes one’s way through consecutive layers of incoming video frames. The audiovisual content flows in real time, switching randomly between the numerous streams available on the internet. The visual and sonic moire emerging from the flux distorsion are then sent to the network. The name fuite de points was inspired from thoughts on digital perspective by Olivier Auber and Paul Virilio.

This project was part of the In/Out experiment of connected multimedia installations curated by Maurice Benayoun.

Technically, fuite de points runs a custom real-time slit-scan audiovisual process controlled by the luminosity of the beam of a light torch, where each pixel is connected to the corresponding time of the audio stream.

technical rider

Author: Vincent

Independant R&D engineer and artist, crafting digital instruments for audio/visual live performances, installations and interactive applications. I post some of my works and news on this site.