Xypre — a sound-enhanced multitouch screen interface

Xypre is a multitouch-screen based interface enhanced with contact microphones and tactile speakers that I designed for live performance. It was built in just a few days for a forthcoming performance. I am playing it in FIB_R and with the ONE ensemble.

Making of timelapse.


simple timelapse

Simple timelapse is a quick tool to make timelapse movies.

It uses an arduino for setting shutter intervals, an 4N35 opto-coupler to protect the camera from any accidental current, and a led to notify when shutter is in action. Focus was left manual to prevent from any automatic adjustement (that we don’t want anyway for a timelapse) and spare camera battery. Code and circuit was derived from intervaluino borrowing the opto-coupler idea from MaxTech, available at GitHub.

Used for the preparation of l’arbre qui cachait la forêt.