Xypre — a sound-enhanced multitouch screen interface

Xypre is a multitouch-screen based interface enhanced with contact microphones and tactile speakers that I designed for live performance. It was built in just a few days for a forthcoming performance. I am playing it in FIB_R and with the ONE ensemble.

Making of timelapse.


Sagrada — Sample Accurate Granular Synthesis


Sagrada is an open-source Max package performing sample-accurate granular synthesis in a modular way. Grains can be triggered both synchronously and asynchronously. Each grain can have its own effects and eveloppes (for instance the first “attack” and last “release” grains of a grains stream).

You can get it from the Github repository:


Sagrada screenshot
sagrada.play~ will play grain synchronously or asynchronously (click for video demo)
Sagrada multilayers
sagrada.multilayer~ allows for running multiple streams of grains in parallel (click for video demo)

Sagrada was partly developed during my PhD at LAM. It was inspired by the very good GMU tools developped at GMEM (and its sample-rate triggering) and the FTM package developed at IRCAM (and its modularity). Not to mention all of Curtis Roads’ work on granular synthesis.

NIME 2019 in Porto-Alegre

Many researchers, artists and makers from many different countries, different cultures and backgrounds meeting at NIME 2019 in Porto-Alegre, giving rise to very rich discussions! From science and engineering to musical performance to anthropology to music history (and more, and vice versa). Really happy that I could present my paper on “ephemeral instruments” in such a rich and stimulating context !
(which you can download from there : http://www.nime.org/proceedings/2019/nime2019_paper067.pdf)

FIB_R au festival Les Possibles à Morlaix

Forages (Vincent Goudard & Gladys Brégeon) jouera FIB_R vendredi 19 avril à Morlaix, Manufacture des tabacs à 21h, dans le cadre du festival de poésie “Les Possibles”.

Plus d’infos sur le festival : https://festivallespossibles.wordpress.com/vendredi-19-avr…/

Sur la performance : http://aiagos.com/fr/fib_r

raspiCamGrab for peauème by Gladys Brégeon

Development of an autonomous microscope camera device running in OpenFrameworks on a cased Raspberry Pi, for the art installation peauème by artist Gladys Brégeon.

The program is self-bootable with a hidden boot sequence so that it can be easily (and elegantly) started in the exhibition space. It allows for hue, saturation, brightness, RGB gains and contrast settings.

Code is open-source and available there : https://github.com/vincentgoudard/raspiCamGrab

Peauème, Gladys Brégeon
Peauème, ©2019 Gladys Brégeon

ONE @ ECM Le Chaplin

Affiche concert ONE à l'ECM Le CHaplin


Du 19 au 22 novembre 2018, la résidence artistique de PUCE MUSE se poursuit à l’ECM Le Chaplin avec une création originale de ONE – l’Orchestre National Electroacoustique. En préambule d’un concert proposé le 21 novembre à 16h, les musiciens présenteront au public leurs instruments numériques et innovants.

ONE // Karlax : Laurence Bouckaert // Dispositif semi-modulaire : Pierre Couprie // Calliphone et Meta-Mallette : Hugues Genevois // Filigramophone : Vincent Goudard // Méta-Piano : Jean Haury // Méta-Instrument IV : Serge de Laubier //

ECM Le Chaplin, Place Mendès-France, 78200 Mantes-la-Jolie. 16h.