#4 – d’une jungle à une autre

Aujourd’hui, “Straight to Hell”, un morceau de The Clash sorti en 1982, qui évoquait l’immigration au Royaume-Uni et aux États-Unis des anciennes colonies asiatiques, notamment la situation des enfants amérasiens, qui se voient refusés l’accueil aux États-Unis au sortir de la guerre du Vietnam.

Lire la suite…

#3 – rumble in the jungle

On poursuit cette traversée de la jungle avec une autre sample du funk des années 1970, transposé dans la pop électro des années 1990, avec “Go Down Dying” du Ray Brown Orchestra, un morceau composé par Antonio Carlos Jobim pour le film “Les Derniers Aventuriers” de Lewis Gibert (le réalisateur de quelques James Bond, dont Moonraker).

Lire la suite…

#2 – massive payback

Pour continuer dans l’esprit funk,  “The Payback” de James Brown, ici dans la version live de 1974 à Kinshasa, pour “The Rumble in the Jungle”, le tournoi mythique entre Mohammed Ali et George Foreman (si vous ne l’avez pas vu, foncez voir le documentaire “When we were kings”, qui retrace cet événement).

mais c’est la version studio ci-après qui contient un fameux riff…

attracteurs étranges / forages

High-resolution digital prints by FORAGES.
Pigment ink on Canson paper, 600 dpi.
Dimensions 40x60cm. Photo satin premium RC 270g.
Single copies, signed by the artists.
Contact me for price and availability [here].

“Attracteurs étranges” is a series of digital images created with custom-made chaotic algorithms for the performance “FIB_R” by FORAGES [Gladys Bregeon & Vincent Goudard].
The title refers to the mathematical object of the same name, which exhibits both a chaotic and organized nature, through aperiodic states. According to mathematician David Ruelle, who coined the term, strange attractors should help us to “elucidate the fundamental mechanisms of turbulence, chemical reactions, weather forecasting and bacterial population genetics”.

Note that previews here below are low resolution.

attracteur étrange 32
attracteur étrange 39
attracteur étrange 48
attracteur étrange 64
attracteur étrange 70
attracteur étrange 73


Designing a complete in-car audio experience requires rapid prototyping solutions in a complex audio configuration, bringing together different areas of expertise ranging from sound-design and composition, down to hardware protection, with every conceivable layer of audio engineering in-between, up to A-B comparisons setups for end-users perception evaluation in real demonstration vehicules.

The AIM project started as a request from the Active Sound eXperience team at Volvo Cars Company to meet such goals.To this end, it was decided to develop a framework on top of Max/MSP, so that dedicated audio processing modules could be easily created, with the ability to store presets for various configurations, and to take advantage of Max’s modular design to distribute the complexity of audio engineering among the various expert teams involved in the project.

The core part of the package (building blocks) was presented at the Sound and Music Conference (SMC’22) organized by GRAME in Saint Etienne, France.

Summary: https://zenodo.org/record/6800815


ReCoDIN stands for “representation and control in the interactive design of digital musical instruments”, the topic of a doctoral research project started in 2016.

Abstract : Digital musical instruments appear as complex objects, being positioned in a continuum with the history of lutherie as well as marked with a strong disruption provoked by the digital technology and its consequences in terms of sonic possibilities, relations between gesture and sound, listening situations, reconfigurability of instruments and so on. This doctoral work tries to describe the characteristics originating from the integration of digital technology into musical instruments, drawing notably on a musicological reflection, on softwares and hardwares development, on musical practice, as well as a number of interactions with other musicians, instruments makers, composers and researchers.

This PhD was led under the joint supervision of Jean-Dominique Polack from the Lutherie-Acoustics-Music team at Institut ∂’Alembert (LAM, CNRS-UMR7190) and Pierre Couprie from the Research Institute in Musicology (IReMus, CNRS-UMR 8223).

Advisor : Hugues Genevois from the Lutherie-Acoustics-Music team at Institut ∂’Alembert (CNRS-UMR7190).

This research was supported by Collegium Musicæ at Sorbonne Université.


This research led to the development of various Open-Source tools and softwares, some of which are described in academic publications  (see below). Feel free to fork them on GitHub !

  • LAM-lib : a random collection of objets and utilities for digital luthery in Max.
  • ModularPolyphony (MP) : a protocol and set of abstractions in Max, allowing expressive control of polyphonic processes, connected in a modular way.
  • ModularPolyphony-TUI (MP-TUI) : a set of objects and utilities built on top of MP, meant for designing custom multitouch tangible user interfaces (TUI).
  • Sagrada : a library for audio-rate control of modular processes, particulary targeted at granular synthesis.
  • John, the Semi-Conductor : a web-based collective score generator, editor and player, crafted for helping collective free improvisation of electroacoustic music.
Related publications
  • V. Goudard, « Représentation et contrôle dans le design interactif des instruments de musique numériques », PhD thesis, 2020. [online]
  • V. Goudard, « Ephemeral instruments », in Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME’19), Porto-Alegre, Brésil, 2019, p. 349–354. [online]
  • V. Goudard, « John, the Semi-Conductor: A Tool for Comprovisation », in Proceedings of the International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation – TENOR’18, Montreal, Canada, 2018, p. 43–49. [online]
  • V. Goudard, « Ergonomics of touch-screen Interfaces », in Proceedings of the International Conference on Live Interfaces (ICLI’18), Porto, Portugal, 2018. [online]
  • V. Goudard et H. Genevois, « Mapping modulaire de processus polyphoniques », in Actes des Journées d’Informatique Musicale (JIM’17), 2017. [online]

FORAGES + E.ZUT @auditorium Jussieu, Paris, le 16/12/2019

DATE : 16 décembre 2019, à 17:00

LIEU : auditorium du CICSU, campus Pierre et Marie Curie, 4 place Jussieu, 75005 PARIS. [voir sur google maps]

Infos sur Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/events/410155909934447/

Continue reading “FORAGES + E.ZUT @auditorium Jussieu, Paris, le 16/12/2019”

Xypre — a sound-enhanced multitouch screen interface

Xypre is a multitouch-screen based interface enhanced with contact microphones and tactile speakers that I designed for live performance. It was built in just a few days for a forthcoming performance. I am playing it in FIB_R and with the ONE ensemble.

Making of timelapse.