Cécile Babiole et moi jouerons Donjon aux Nuits Sonores à Lyon, l’entrée est gratuite!
Latest news are here.
Concerts and events annoucements, code releases and whatever I find interesting to post. Usually related to music, sound, visual and interactive tools.
Donjon @ Ososphere
I will be performing Donjon with Cécile Babiole @ festival Ososphere – 2011/02/12 — Mole Seegmuller Strasbourg
More details and booking here : http://www.ososphere.org/2011/
Donjon @ transmediale
We’ll be performing Donjon at transmediale Berlin… Komm’ mit!
Donjon @ Elektra
We’ll flight to Montreal to perform Donjon at Elektra festival on May 7th 2010 !
Donjon @ festival Nemo
Cécile Babiole and me will be playing Donjon @ festival Nemo on april 9th 2010!
check the whole Nemo program here.