ONE @ ECM Le Chaplin

Affiche concert ONE à l'ECM Le CHaplin


Du 19 au 22 novembre 2018, la résidence artistique de PUCE MUSE se poursuit à l’ECM Le Chaplin avec une création originale de ONE – l’Orchestre National Electroacoustique. En préambule d’un concert proposé le 21 novembre à 16h, les musiciens présenteront au public leurs instruments numériques et innovants.

ONE // Karlax : Laurence Bouckaert // Dispositif semi-modulaire : Pierre Couprie // Calliphone et Meta-Mallette : Hugues Genevois // Filigramophone : Vincent Goudard // Méta-Piano : Jean Haury // Méta-Instrument IV : Serge de Laubier //

ECM Le Chaplin, Place Mendès-France, 78200 Mantes-la-Jolie. 16h.

John — the semi-conductor (reactive web version)

John (“the semi-conductor”) is an open-source software designed to help collective free improvisation. It provides a constraint-based score generator and displays screen scores running on distributed, reactive web browsers.
The musicians can then concurrently edit the scores in their own browser. One of the original features of John is that its design takes care of leaving the musician’s attention as free as possible, relying on large colorful blocks and minimal text-data.

John is used by ONE, a ensemble playing improvised electro-acoustic music with digital musical instruments. John was presented at the TENOR’2018 conference in Montreal, CA [pdf here].

ONE en concert aux JIM le 18 mai 2017

L’Orchestre National Électroacoustique (ONE) jouera à l’Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris 6, à l’occasion des JIM 2017 (Journées d’Informatique Musicale).

Laurence Bouckaert – Karlax // Pierre Couprie – Laptop et contrôleurs // Hugues Genevois – Calliphone et Méta-Mallette // Vincent Goudard – Filigramophone // Serge de Laubier – Méta-Instrument

Jeudi 18 mai – 19h30 – Auditorium de l’UPMC. 4, Place Jussieu, 75005 Paris

Entrée gratuite!

John — the semi-conductor (Max version)

John, the semi-conductor.

John is an application meant for collective free improvisation, which was born out of the needs encountered in free improvisation practice with the Orchestre National Electroacoustique.

Namely, John was invented as a virtual companion to find stimulating answers for issues encountered in collective free improvisation, like precise timings for transitions between contrasting parts, articulations of large movements, or the proposal of unusual scores taking us off the beaten path.

It is made of two parts :

  • a score editor which can generate random scores based on constraints and probablities defined by the user
  • a real-time “conductor” displaying the score during live performance

Its name refers to both John Cage and John Doe.

Random score generation panel

John, conductor Max screenshot
The conductor screen, with countdown and active players

The original development was made with Max, then later reworked to a reactive web app.