Le phonétogramme is an interactive audio-visual booth created and developed for the “Cité des Sciences” museeum in Paris. It consists in a graph showing the pitch versus the loudness of a voice. It shows various characteristics of one’s voice, including the ambitus, the change of amplitude at vocal register shifts, and possible voice disorders.
The installation involved a multitouch screen to control the multilingual app for the Cité des Sciences audience. A distance sensor was also used to ensure the distance between the user and the microphone was correct. All the graphics and sound interaction design was made with Cycling’74 Max.
It was a challenging thing to design the UI with Max/jitter, but a good opportunity to test the limits of what could be achieved there. This project triggered the development of the MP.TUI package.

Computer graphics and multimedia production for the exhibition “La voix, l’expo qui vous parle”.
Client : Cité des Sciences & de l’Industrie