PANAM — accessible tools for digital art pedagogy

PANAM (Pédagogie artistique numérique accessible et multimodale) is a research and development project led by Puce Muse and concerned with the development and analysis of HCI strategies and tools for collective music practice with digital music instruments. It focuses on the accessibility of such tools for disabled people.

As part of the LAM team, several tools have been developed for the mapping, visualisation, and building of digital music instruments. They have been implemented as modules for the Meta-Mallette software (©PuceMuse), and are available as part of the LAM-lib, a software library for Max/MSP.


[pdf] Vincent Goudard, Hugues Genevois, Lionel Feugère. On the playing of monodic pitch in digital music instruments. Anastasia Georgaki and Giorgos Kouroupetroglou. ICMC/SMC 2014, Sep 2014, Athènes, Greece. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, pp.1418, 2014.
