attracteurs étranges / forages

High-resolution digital prints by FORAGES.
Pigment ink on Canson paper, 600 dpi.
Dimensions 40x60cm. Photo satin premium RC 270g.
Single copies, signed by the artists.
Contact me for price and availability [here].

“Attracteurs étranges” is a series of digital images created with custom-made chaotic algorithms for the performance “FIB_R” by FORAGES [Gladys Bregeon & Vincent Goudard].
The title refers to the mathematical object of the same name, which exhibits both a chaotic and organized nature, through aperiodic states. According to mathematician David Ruelle, who coined the term, strange attractors should help us to “elucidate the fundamental mechanisms of turbulence, chemical reactions, weather forecasting and bacterial population genetics”.

Note that previews here below are low resolution.

attracteur étrange 32
attracteur étrange 39
attracteur étrange 48
attracteur étrange 64
attracteur étrange 70
attracteur étrange 73

FIB_R / forages

Live audio+visual performance by FORAGES.

Sounds and images are operating in real-time on stage.
FIB_R plunges us into a body, that of the optical fiber itself. The eye opens onto its invisible omnipresence, penetrates the network fabric and sounds out the running processes.
On stage, two performers enter an abstract dialogue made of textual, sonic and graphic data. This communication is caught up in a cycle of metamorphoses embodying the modalities of digital media. The network acts as a protagonist, an environment with its own rhythm and rules.
Manipulations of digital images (via multi-touch interfaces) and analog images (captured via microscope camera and endoscope) are performed live on stage. They generate and explore fiber as an organic environment, in which language, deconstructed then reconstructed, attempts to find its way from sign to poem.

FORAGES is Gladys Brégeon and Vincent Goudard.
Production : AIAGOS
Duration 40min.
Presentation [pdf].
Technical rider [pdf].



Downloadable pictures

Previous performances

L’arbre qui cachait la forêt

Sisyphus in the anthropocene hamster-wheel.

L’arbre qui cachait la forêt is a multimedia installation originally proposed for the Festival of Lights of Lyon (FR) happening on december 8th. The theme was about ecology and artists were encouraged to make use of little and/or renewable energy.

The installation consists of an interactive video projection of a tree, with the screen placed precisely where the filmed tree is located. The screen offers a view that corresponds to the perspective of the global environment. In front of this screen, a giant hamster wheel awaits a visitor. The rotation of the wheel causes the video to progress from the current date of the festival, close to the winter solstice, when the tree is apparently dead, to the summer solstice at midday, when the tree is fully green against the deep blue sky. But as soon as the visitor stops running after that desired blue summer sky, the video rewinds to the cold winter night.

Prior to the installation, the tree has been shot with timelapse photography technique during a whole season.

Vincent Goudard - L'arbre qui cachait la foret - Project preview
On-site installation preview.
Giant hamster wheel draft for the project
Giant hamster wheel draft design by Ulysse Lacoste.


Digital moving picture.
107724404×8 is the audiovisual rendering of a binary pdf file raw data.

The video reveals the internal structure of the file as both visual and sonic shapes. Compressed parts of the file will look and sound noisy while uncompressed parts will show redundant patterns and somewhat harmonic sound spectrum.

Original video is 10min long and 1024× 768px.
Beware of the rrrraw sound.

media music room

transforming a place into a collective audiovisual instrument

media music room is a collaborative workshop held in DauHaus, Sofia [BG], aiming at transforming a place into an interactive and collaborative music audiovisual instrument, through hacking and bending things at hand. During a week, a small team worked using all kinds of recycled and in-situ materials (bench, lamps, microphones, clothe) and softwares (max/MSP, pure data, processing, flash, etc.) to create an interactive setup, made of a bench-o-phone, ceiling-lamps-turned-to-audio-delays, pen tablet drumloop mixer, joystick-contolled sound scrubbers, audiovisual feedback and synched projection fitting the location architecture. This camp was open to any visitor as an opportunity for local people to meet, share ideas, bring their own audio/video material and conceive together. At the end of the week, an event was organized where anyone could play the multimedia instruments.

The project was also meant as a thought-provoking exchange on the notion of instrument in the contemporary society, following theories raised by John Cage or Christopher Small.


The project took place in studio DauHaus, during my residency in Sofia at InterSpace Media Art Center.

Special thanks goes to the French Institute for their support, and to Goethe institute and Pro-Helvetia for lending beamers.



filigram is an app to draw filigrams.

filigram is an expressive tool based on drawing gesture, gathering on the same canvas doodles made by people of different cultures in various contexts.

Filigrams are hand-drawn drawings made on a 2D surface, in a 3D world. Thanks to computers memory, this virtual “sheet of paper” becomes infinitely wide and allows for navigating inside the drawings.

This app was made originally made as a public-space installation where people could share a collective experience of drawing on the same canvas. Perspectives on others’ drawings sometimes leads to graphical compositions that could only be seen from a specific point in the virtual space, somehow like the paintings by Felice Varini.

filigram was shown during:

Art4Lux, Abbaye de Neumunster, Luxembourg (Lu), sept. 2007
Net User Conference 2007 , Pleven Hovel, (Bg), july 2007
– at ArtHostel Sofia (Bg), june 2006
– in Istanbul (Tr), july 2007
Mobile Studios , Batenberg Square, Sofia (Bg), june 2006
TheUpgrade! Skopje (Mk), june 2006
TheUpgrade! Sofia (Bg), june 2006

with support from:

Inter-Space Media Art Center
Pépinières européennes pour jeunes artistes.
Puce Muse

Originally developped with Max, Filigram has been implemented in Java/Processing for availability in the browser, and OpenFrameworks for iOS/android support. Now outdated, the code is being refactored before moving to an open source repository at GitHub. Please contact if interested in the meantime.
