
Scrolling the landscape with an indoor bike.

Recycled indoor cycle, hacked dynamo, arduino and custom electronics, old PC running a pure data patch.

An indoor cycle is perched in front of a projected video screen, whose wheel rotation controls an interactive video. When the rider is cycling, the landscape is scrolling at an exagerated speed. When driving slowly or at rest, the screen displays abstract moving images from the limbos.

Cyclescape was made for “Vanité #10 : Visible Invisible” by Luis Pasina & co, during Nuit Blanche 2008, Paris.


XSPIF – Cross Standard PlugIn Framework

XSPIF stands for the acronym of Cross Standard PlugIn Framework.

It is an xml to (vst/au/pd/ladspa) translation utility written by Rémy Muller and myself for our final study project in 2003 inspired by Steve Harris way of writing ladspa plugins.

Instead of abstracting the different plugin formats into a C/C++ library as most professionnal companies do, we choose for both academic and time reasons to write an xml to C/C++ translator using Python.

It has many limitations and is now outdated, but it can prove useful as a learning tool or just as a template generator for the target plateforms.

XSPIF released under the GNU General Public License