Xypre — a sound-enhanced multitouch screen interface

Xypre is a multitouch-screen based interface enhanced with contact microphones and tactile speakers that I designed for live performance. It was built in just a few days for a forthcoming performance. I am playing it in FIB_R and with the ONE ensemble.

Making of timelapse.


Table Sonotactile Interactive

Image ©Anne Maregiano.

The Interactive Sonotactile Table is a device invented for the Maison des Aveugles (“House of the Blinds”) in Lyon by french composer Pascale Criton in collaboration with Hugues Genevois from the Luthery-Acoustics-Music team of the Jean Le Rond d’Alembert Institute and Gérard Uzan, researcher in accessibility. The table was designed by Pierrick Faure (Captain Ludd) in collaboration with Christophe Lebreton (GRAME)

I coded the embedded Arduino boards as well as the Max patch for the gesture/sound interactive design.

The Table Sonotactile Interactive is part of a larger project : La Carte Sonore by Anne Maregiano at the Villa Saint Raphaël: https://www.mda-lacartesonore.com.

Le phonétogramme — an interactive installation for voice analysis

Le phonétogramme is an interactive audio-visual booth created and developed for the “Cité des Sciences” museeum in Paris. It consists in a graph showing the pitch versus the loudness of a voice. It shows various characteristics of one’s voice, including the ambitus, the change of amplitude at vocal register shifts, and possible voice disorders.

The installation involved a multitouch screen to control the multilingual app for the Cité des Sciences audience. A distance sensor was also used to ensure the distance between the user and the microphone was correct. All the graphics and sound interaction design was made with Cycling’74 Max.

It was a challenging thing to design the UI with Max/jitter, but a good opportunity to test the limits of what could be achieved there. This project triggered the development of the MP.TUI package.

A snapshot from the chinese interface of the Phonetogram app.

Computer graphics and multimedia production for the exhibition “La voix, l’expo qui vous parle”.
Client : Cité des Sciences & de l’Industrie

simple timelapse

Simple timelapse is a quick tool to make timelapse movies.

It uses an arduino for setting shutter intervals, an 4N35 opto-coupler to protect the camera from any accidental current, and a led to notify when shutter is in action. Focus was left manual to prevent from any automatic adjustement (that we don’t want anyway for a timelapse) and spare camera battery. Code and circuit was derived from intervaluino borrowing the opto-coupler idea from MaxTech, available at GitHub.

Used for the preparation of l’arbre qui cachait la forêt.


Scrolling the landscape with an indoor bike.

Recycled indoor cycle, hacked dynamo, arduino and custom electronics, old PC running a pure data patch.

An indoor cycle is perched in front of a projected video screen, whose wheel rotation controls an interactive video. When the rider is cycling, the landscape is scrolling at an exagerated speed. When driving slowly or at rest, the screen displays abstract moving images from the limbos.

Cyclescape was made for “Vanité #10 : Visible Invisible” by Luis Pasina & co, during Nuit Blanche 2008, Paris.
