
Morphogenius is an application for tablet that was proposed for the exhibition on Leonardo Da Vinci at Cité des Sciences, Paris. It is inspired by Leonardo Da Vinci morphological drawings.

It allows to “transfer” reality as captured by the tablet’s camera into 3d drawings. The camera stream is processed with an edge detection algorithm easing the readability of shapes and structures. All drawings are done in 3d and the user can move, rotate and zoom them in any direction.



Ivan Alexandrovich Wyschnegradsky (Ива́н Алекса́ндрович Вышнегра́дский) was a Russian composer primarily known for his microtonal compositions.

Pascal Criton, a french composer of contemporary music as well as a musicologist who studied Wyschnegradsky’s works, created an interactive piece inspired by Wyschnegradsky’s “ultrachromatic compositions” for association Puce Muse.

I designed a collective instrument able to produce complex polyrhytmic sequences of filtered sound texture. Each step of the sequence can be assigned a color nuance and a pitch, possibly micro-tonal. The result produces visual and sonic moires, reminding of Wyschnegradsky’s chromatic drawings.

You can get it from the Méta-Librairie website.

simple timelapse

Simple timelapse is a quick tool to make timelapse movies.

It uses an arduino for setting shutter intervals, an 4N35 opto-coupler to protect the camera from any accidental current, and a led to notify when shutter is in action. Focus was left manual to prevent from any automatic adjustement (that we don’t want anyway in timelapse!) and spare camera battery. Code and circuit was derived from intervaluino borrowing the opto-coupler idea from MaxTech, available at GitHub.

Used for the preparation of l’arbre qui cachait la forêt.